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Customized Research Services

Product & Concept Testing

Insights, Advertising Tracking insights

Advertising Tracking

Advertising research is an effective way to assess and measure the impact of any advertising or branding campaign. Such research is generally carried out before the launch of an advertising campaign (pre-testing) and then after the advertising campaign has been completed (post-testing).

Insights Outsourcing - Insights


We provide outsourcing solutions, with the aim of reducing operational costs for the clients while preserving, protecting and enhancing the core business strategies and values of our clients. We provide the following outsourcing facilities:

Insights Training - Insights


A training and professional development program brings all employees to a higher level so that they all have the requisite skills and knowledge to perform their job responsibilities.

Keeping in view the fact that our staff is the key driver of our business, training becomes essential for their personal grooming and overall productivity of the business.